Now comes the most difficult part of acting like a Man: admitting that you're not there yet. I know one, maybe two real Men in my acquaintance. If you're reading this and you think you're already living like a Man, the odds are you're in denial.
Let's all be honest. Look at the archetypes and figure out where you fall in. This is important. Self-actualization and the ability to think critically about how you act is essential in the process of bettering yourself. You need to be open to the idea that you can improve.
I end up somewhere between a Dude and a Gentleman. I cling to some hobbies that I enjoy because I think they're "cool" and that other guys would find impressive. I wear graphic t-shirts. My wardrobe still needs some help. I'm hung up on obsolete behaviors dictated by etiquette.
So, wait, how am I qualified to write this blog?! I'm sure this may sound a little like the emperor has no clothes. Admitting that I don't meet my own definition of manhood may appear to be a case of, "do what I say, not what I do," and to be fair, it is. The important thing to remember here is that "Being a Man" isn't just about reaching that peak; it's about the journey. Men aren't a constant. We are continually reforged, renovated, and improved to respond to new challenges and the evolution of our species.
Five thousand years ago, a real Man was the one who could swing a club the hardest. The Men knew where to hunt and how to attract the best mates. As civilization established itself, outstanding males developed new traits. The definition of Man will always be a product of its age.
One of my favorite words is "Zeitgeist" which means, "the spirit of the age" or, "the way of now." The Man exists in the Zeitgeist. He is aware that there can always be an improved man, or a more perfect man. That knowledge fires ambition and fosters a desire to reach for that idealized existence. The measuring stick is the same as it always was: to stand above the din of mediocrity and excel on every level.
By exploring the archetypes of males, we've identified where the lack of ambition, understanding, or self-awareness have crippled men and kept them from reaching their potential. We've also given ourselves the opportunity to see these shortcomings in ourselves. The next step is to fix those problems and establish ourselves as better, "realer", Men.
If this strikes you as too philosophical, or even religious, don't be alarmed. Part of being a Man is addressing some of the existential questions of life... over a neat glass of whiskey with a cigar in the other hand. Refining yourself isn't all drudgery and toil. Opening your eyes to the best that the world has on offer is a deeply enjoyable experience. As a Man you expect these things, and rightly so. Your entitlement to a finer lifestyle has nothing to do with your gender, but rather how you've chosen to present yourself to the world.
Stand up and take note, Earth. We are Men, and we are excellent!
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